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Album with 13 original wash-colour drawings with views in Rome.

Album with 13 original wash-colour drawings with views in Rome.

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Album with 13 original wash-colour drawings with views in Rome.: Manuscript Contemporary green half morocco, marbled sides. - 1800

by Uggeri, Angelo (artist)

  • Used


Brown and black pen- and ink-drawings with brown wash each (255 x 180 mm) with black frames surrounded by green wash borders. Each mounted on thin cardboard with manuscript captions andd numbering in lower margins. Rom around 1800. Contemporary green half morocco, marbled sides. Oblong- 4to (318 x 245 mm). Covers rubbed, extremeties worn.

Thieme-B. XXXIII, 540. A highly picturesque suite of interesting views of Roman antiquities and architectural structures with following manuscript titles: 1. Forum Romanum. 2. Interieur du Pantheon das le debordement du Tibre. 3. Le Colisée. 4. Le Colisée du côté des Maronites. 5. Arène du Colisée. 6. Restes du Temple de Mars le vengeur. 7. La roche Tarpeienne. 8. Cloaque Maxime. 9. Pont Senatorius-Rotto. 10. Tombeau des afrancis d'Auguste connue sous le nome de Columbarium. 11. Catabombes. Cimetiére de Calyste à St. Sébastian. 12. Pont Nomentano. 13. Roma vecchia. Frascati. A few brown spots, slightly soiled in margins. Front fly-leaf with contemporary manuscript annotation of the titles by the first owner, a member of the Swiss family Grand d'Hauteville with their engraved coat-of- arms book-plate Bibliothèque du Château d'Hauteville on front paste-down. Angelo Uggeri (1754-1837) architect, artist and antiquary studied in Cremona theology with Manfredini and art and architecture in Milan with G. Albertolli. In 1788 he moved to Rome and soon became one of the most esteemed antiquaries and authorities on Roman antiquities and architecture. His many publications were not only aimed at tourists and amateur travellers but at professional architects and scholars of Roman art history. Our album contains a few original drawings by him used as illustrations in his major work on Roman architecture the Journées pittoresques des édifices de Rome ancienne / Giornate pittoresche degli edifizi antiche de circondari di Roma, published between 1800 and 1814, not only renowned for its picturesquely rendered etchings of views in Rome and its environs but also for its erudite scholarship. Our album with manuscript numbering in lower right corner with cross reference to the numbering in the plate-volume.
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  • Title Album with 13 original wash-colour drawings with views in Rome.
  • Author Uggeri, Angelo (artist)
  • Binding Contemporary green half morocco, marbled sides.
  • Publisher Angelo Uggeri, Rome
  • Date c. 1800
  • Bookseller's Inventory # 2155
  • Size Oblong- 4to (318 x 245 mm)

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