Sein Language Hardcover - 1993
by Jerry Seinfeld
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- Hardcover
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- Title Sein Language
- Author Jerry Seinfeld
- Binding Hardcover
- Edition First Edition
- Condition New
- Pages 192
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher Random House Publishing Group, New York
- Date 1993
- Illustrated Yes
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0553096060I2N00
- ISBN 9780553096064 / 0553096060
- Weight 0.84 lbs (0.38 kg)
- Dimensions 8.56 x 5.76 x 0.9 in (21.74 x 14.63 x 2.29 cm)
- Library of Congress subjects American wit and humor
- Library of Congress Catalog Number 93014467
- Dewey Decimal Code 814.54
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