Book reviews from 1maria

Michigan, United States

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1maria's average rating is 3 of 5 Stars.

What Happened At Pontmain

by Abbe M Richard

On Aug 1 2011, 1maria said:
This book will be the way to answer the problems of today. Go to Mary and Fast and Pray for help to change the way man is headed for wars and destruction of humanity. ( chasing after Selfish goals, man has for themselves. not helping others in need or want of a descent lives on earth.)-- only with God's help can man change for the better. -- We can move Jesus' Heart Through Fasting, prayer, penance, and reparation. -- She was sent to tell all men the answers.-- Man has forgotten or Lost their way to God.

The Great Event

by John M Haffert

On Jun 22 2011, 1maria said:
1maria rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
From what I have read, john m haffert is a blessed man, God choiced to spread truth about what God wants the world to know and do to help mankind in this time of history. He has researched and traveled the world teaching the truth God guilded him to make known. Read his books and make it known. 1maria