David Bunnett Books
London, London, United Kingdom
David Bunnett Books specializes in Architecture, Design, Fine Art, Literature, Performing Arts, Photography
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About David Bunnett Books
Specialists retailers of out-of-print books on the Fine and Applied Arts, Architecture and Performing Arts. Established in 1978 and on the web since 1996.
Email: replies@booktracker.net
David Bunnett Books
Terms of sale for David Bunnett Books
We can accept payment via PayPal, electronic bank deposit, and cheques in UK Pounds. PLEASE EMAIL US DIRECTLY replies@booktracker.net for payment and shipping details. We also accept Visa, Mastercard, AmEx and Discover through on-line orders via our website booktracker.net and also Biblio. All books shipped in strong protective packaging with receipt (unless otherwise requested). Standard terms available for libraries and institutions. If any item is found to be not as described you may return it at our expense for a full refund, provided you do so within 30 days of receipt, please notify us in advance if this is the case