Bookstores specializing in Scholarly Miscellany
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Auldfarran Books, IOBA
Decatur, Georgia, United States
"I have spent many delightful hours poring over the . . . lists of second-hand booksellers. . . . All these are redolent of romance. They are much more entertaining than half the novels that are written." -W. Somerset Maugham. Auldfarran Books, whose name is taken from an antique Anglo-Scots word meaning "having the sagacity of age," or "wise beyond one's years," is a professional antiquarian and secondhand bookseller (since 1993), and member of the International Association of Online Booksellers, dedicated to the ancient proposition that reading is good for you and, to that end, the enhancement of readers' and collectors' libraries (and even the development of libraries' libraries). Whether you're a voracious, moderate or casual reader, or even if you believe (in the words of Anthony Burgess) "there's no better reason for not reading a book than owning it," we encourage your inquiries and special search requests. E-mail is the best way to get in touch with us.