The Cruise Of the Three Brothers

by Standish, Robert


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On Aug 12, 2011, negdub said
Robert Standish, a prolific writer, wrote many books and short stories in his lifetime. He was born before the turn of the 20th century and died in the mid 1980's. He wrote under a variety of names: RS was a pseudonym for the Anglo-American writer Digby George Geraghty. DGG also wrote as Stephen Lister, Digby George and others. Many of his short stories were written for the American market, the Saturday Evening Post, Atlantic Weekly and so forth. The Cruise of the Three Brothers, a full length novel, is basically a thriller, concerning old friends, one of which is the narrator. The plot concerns smuggling using a boat called "The Three Brothers", in the Eastern Mediterranean, along with a spy ring and a love affair with surprising ending- old hat for many readers these day. However, DGG in all of his iterations is a master story teller. All of his books contain taut plots and well drawn characters. DGG had a superb grasp of human nature and demonstrates an uncanny knack of drawing out the personalities of his characters in a most life-like manner. All of DGG's books regardless of non de plume are masterful constructions. Sadly, he as an author has been relegated to the forgotten dustbins of history. Not many have heard of him these days. There is a parallel here with the reputation of E Phillips Oppenheim, of whom DGG was a champion. Who today has heard of E Phillips Oppenheim? In his day 100 years ago he was a superstar, who wrote more than 100 books. They are still surprisingly good, have not aged with time and well worth reading. Check out To those of the reading public who like a well-written solid story, fleshed with great characters and devoid of four letter words, both of these authors come highly recommended.

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