Book reviews from BungalowBooks

Colorado, United States

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BungalowBooks's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.


by William F , Jr Roemer

On Jun 26 2011, BungalowBooks said:
BungalowBooks rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Roemer was the most qualified authority on Accardo since a large part of his FBI career was investigating the crime lord. And his familiarity of Chicago politics and long history of corruption, makes his story more interesting. New York had five major crime bosses of which we are all familiar with. But Accardo was the single Boss of Chicago rackets all the way to Las Vegas. Roemer and Accardo had a mutual respect for each other that comes across in this book. I have read other accounts of the Chicago "Outfit" but Roemer's is the best, most accurate and entertaining. For a Taste-of-Chicago buy this book.