Book reviews from CJofATL

Georgia, United States

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CJofATL's average rating is 4 of 5 Stars.

Blood and Iron

by Elizabeth Bear

On Nov 23 2012, CJofATL said:
CJofATL rated this book 3 of 5 Stars.
Good book. I am a big fan of Michelle West and this was similar in some ways. I liked the way she modernized and brought ancient myths into the modern age.

Whiskey and Water

by Elizabeth Bear

On Nov 23 2012, CJofATL said:
CJofATL rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
This was a good conclusion to the story started in Blood and Iron. She does a nice job modernizing ancient myths, mostly celtic. The wraps up the characters with endings that are not predictable. I recommend it.