Book reviews from Freemason

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Dragon Seed

by Pearl S Buck

On Mar 31 2012, Freemason said:
Read "Dragon Seed," March 2012. Very impressive. Storyline is somewhat similar to the "Good Earth," in that it is concerning war by Japan ("East Ocean Nation", and the farmer's life. The book I just read is dated 1942.I read "Good Earth" several years earlier, and seen the movie several times. Paul Muni was very good, and convincing to me (from a westerner's point of view?).Both books glorify the soil / earth. I am sure most people heard the saying..."above all else there is always the earth" (or similarly written).Do not know if there are any other follow-up books written about the same family!?


by Pearl S Buck

On Mar 31 2012, Freemason said:
Just finished reading the book "Mandala," published in 1970. Exceptional story, well written and using historical names and storyline. The writing is more fluid than "Good Earth" and "Mandala."At least these two books, the english was different, and perhaps strange to the reader. Whereas "Mandala" was written, apparently closer to the author's end of life time.I liked the story, it was interesting in depicting the changes from the "Raj" to the new India, the unification of all the individual princely states.Very symbolic, a lot of wisdom to be learned from it. It explores the remaining, even if symbolic, leadership obligations of the Maharana, and how in the primitive (from the sense of old customs / belief, social hierarchy) and tribal society things work. The conflict of the East vs. West ideas is great. At times it seems that love will conquer all, and the reader hopes for a romantic end out of the tangled relationships, but alas it was not to be.The malicious cook and the priest ("good servants") meddle to thwart the budding romance between the daughter and the "american" young man, and the deep and spiritual romance of the ex-ruler and the spiritual young american girl. The "old, and static world wins out over the new and modernworld. The real love story was doomed from the beginning, while the reader hopes for a grand triumph of love!I enjoyed this book greatly, and recommend it to all readers for a spiritual experience!