Book reviews from Lenzladee

Virginia, United States

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Lenzladee's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Dorothy Parker

by Dorothy Parker

On Nov 8 2011, Lenzladee said:
Lenzladee rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
If you love older literature you will shop at as I do. One of my recent acquistions is a charming little book titled "The Viking Portable Library" featuring the work of Dorothy Parker. Of course I had gone online to find out a little bit about Ms Parker and it was enough to compel me to own and read her work. I am enjoying it immensley! Her wit sparkles through the pages from the 20's right into the 21st century and is as fresh now as it was then. I have not finished the book which is a collection of wonderful short stories. In a few concise pages using everyday language she builds the characters, the setting and the story unfolds marvelously. As a reader I am satisfied that I understand exactly what is going on, can picture it in my mind, can "hear" them speaking, can feel their lives unfold and then, it ends, it is over, it is done and I can hardly wait for the next one. The first story :The Lovely Leave" is about a young war time couple with a few minutes to connect before he must leave again to do his duty for God and country. I live in a military town, and believe me, this story is as old as it is fresh and real. I am sold, and this was only the FIRST story! I read three or more then "Mr. Durant". They are not all funny. This story sets a different tone; I am one who believes young children should not be deceived, nor should one be cruel to animals. Ms Parker sees quite clearly through everyone and does not mince words but she is not unkind. I have enjoyed all the stories for they have only two things in common; they are short and well written. It is my hope that anyone reading this will give Ms Parker a read. You will be glad you did.