Book reviews from SilverJoeT

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SilverJoeT's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Silver Surfer

by Stan Lee

On Jun 17 2007, SilverJoeT said:
SilverJoeT rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
The Silver Surfer: Parable is excellent for a number of resons. First: the art work is a departure from the Jack Kerby work. Not better but different and that lends a new feel to the charactor. Interestingly enough, the charm of the surfer and the pathos appeal are exactly the same as the Kirby feeling. Second: the story ios very germain to our current 2007 times when we see the perversion of religion and spiritual feelings being bent toward the accumulation of wealth, political power, and hatred. No, not just in Islamic extreamists, but even in our own presidential elections. And, third: the story line echoes the biblicla axim that a phrophet has no hornor in his own home. In the end the Surfer is alone, his message and presence ignored or reviled and most revealing, although it is not said in the stort - humanity is also alone; as much as the Silver Surfer is alone. Although the Surfer has no one to talk to, humanity in only speaking to itself is really speaking to no one.