Book reviews from Skip

Ohio, United States

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Skip's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.
On Jun 7 2007, Skip said:
Skip rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I first read this book about 1974 or 1975 and it had a profound effect on me. I was already familiar with Rudhyar's work on astrology and was reading everything I could find by him. At that time, New Age and Occult book stores seemed to be everywhere and Rudhyar's work was easy to find. I thought that The Planetarization of Consciousness would undoubtedly become extremely well-known since the power and depth of the work was undeniable. Now, in the early years of the twenty-first century,Rudhyar is still largely unknown and his work has taken on the nature of the Seed-Idea that he wrote so often about. It is my hope that eventually his work will take on the importance it truly deserves in our wounded and "autumnal" civilization and blossoms into a guiding Light for a transformed humanity. It is encouraging that a resource such as can make this great man's inspiring writing available to a wide readership in this time of real need on this troubled planet. I hope that anyone searching for a Light in Dark Times will take my advice and read anything by Dane Rudhyar -- he was truly one of the great figures of the twentieth century and a visionary without peer.