Book reviews from ViennaSimon

Virginia, United States

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ViennaSimon's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.
On Nov 26 2011, ViennaSimon said:
ViennaSimon rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Robert Cressman has done an outstanding job of weaving both the Japanese and American chronology of events surrounding the battle for Wake Island, in a very readable and accessible book. This is an excellent companion to his books on Midway and the USS Yorktown, among others.

Global Mission

by H H 'Hap' Arnold

On Oct 29 2010, ViennaSimon said:
ViennaSimon rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Surprisingly, as it was published in 1949 by one of the great leaders of the time, this book is very readable and entertaining. There aren't any shocking revelations, however Hap Arnold's life was intertwined with flight from the beginning. He was there with the Wright brothers and the first Army and Navy flyers, was good friends with Billy Mitchell, and worked with all the great future military leaders as they built up a service and an industry. And that is all before World War II, which it covers in vivid detail. Great book!

Jutland To Junkyard

by S C George

On Oct 16 2010, ViennaSimon said:
ViennaSimon rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
I bought this book after first reading The Man Who Bought a Navy by Gerald Bowman, which was focused on Ernest Cox and the first 7 years of the endeavor. That book ended in 1931 when Cox sold the remaining rights to Metal Industries, who salvaged the remaining ships that were to be salvaged. Jutland to Junkyard is nowhere near as detailed as Bowman's book, and the reading is pretty dry, but does give the basic facts. I found myself missing the personal insights into the characters as portrayed in Bowman's book.I recommend this book to supplement Bowman's book, which can be hard to find. Together they make a good history.