Book reviews from earthgoddess

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earthgoddess's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Kill the Dead

by Richard Kadrey

On Jan 24 2012, Earthgoddess said:
earthgoddess rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
This is the second time around for this read and again I found details I missed first go around.This book is an action packed thrill ride. This book pretty leaves off where the first one ended and you find out more about Kinski. Lucifer makes an appearance in this book and I found myself rooting for him at times. Sometimes evil isn't all it appears to be.If you like zombies, there are plenty of references to them here with different names and personalities. I love stories with zombies in it and their appearance in the book doesn't disappoint, if anything it intrigues me more. There is a lot of fighting and killing in this book but that just makes the book harder to put down as it drags you right into the action and makes you feel like you are right in there fighting with them. I can't wait to dig into the 3rd installment and find out more about Stark and his motley band of friends.5 stars for the kick ass action sequences, zombie references and for making me think of evil in a different perspective.