Book reviews from jstarswife

Armed Forces Europe, United States

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jstarswife's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

The Circle Trilogy

by Ted Dekker

On Mar 5 2010, Jstarswife said:
jstarswife rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
If fantasy is your bag, this is an awesome series. Thomas is flawed and often confused, my kind of hero because perfection is hard to identify with. And fantasy is not my favorite kind of book, espionage is. The story takes place in 2 worlds. In ours, it is espionage. In the other, fantasy with multicolored wood that glows and emerald water that heals and giant furry white bats called rouche. I think my favorite character may be his sister, Cara.But if you won't wrap your head around the fantastical, stay away. There's a lot to accept to enjoy the story