Book reviews from lizzypaul

New York, United States

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lizzypaul's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Charismatic Chaos

by John F. MacArthur

On Oct 22 2009, Lizzypaul said:
lizzypaul rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
in his book 'charistmatic chaos,' john macarthur has explained so much about what had confused and scarred me spiritually growing up. he has really done his homework, too, citing both sympathetic and critical sources. even the footnotes and index are helpful! i have skipped around the book to get my most pressing questions answered, and sometimes the Biblical truth just makes me cry because it makes so much sense--- i am so glad that i am out of the charismatic movement, and now i can more confidently say why. i highly recommend this book to anyone who has ever seen 'weird' church services or heard preachers on television say the most bizarre things. all praise be to unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!