Book reviews from momof5grownkids

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momof5grownkids's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Coming Of the Storm

by Kathleen O'neal; Gear, W Michael Gear

On May 6 2012, Momof5grownkids said:
momof5grownkids rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Having lived 25 years in north Florida this book was an eye opener. Would drive up and down hwy 441/41 or just 41 and see the highway was part of DeSoto's route. Not a historical buff I'd think "interesting." Now I understand the "great", so called men where not always so great.The Gear books have awakened a curosity in me to learn more about the Native Americans who lived so down to earth. And just wanted to live peaceably with all man and nature.