Book reviews from pamhasegawagmailcom

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pamhasegawagmailcom's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

That Mean Old Yesterday

by Stacey Patton

On Jul 13 2011, Pamhasegawagmailcom said:
pamhasegawagmailcom rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
This book is profoundly moving. I felt as though I were living inside the skin of the author, feeling her heartbeats, her anxieties, her hopes and dreams. She has an exceptional way of writing through both her heart and mind to reach the reader. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand what children may experience before they head out for school each morning, before they leave for camp if they are fortunate to go to one, even though it would not be the wish or expectation of most people to believe that any child would be treated as she was.I look forward eagerly to Ms. Patton's next book, and will be ordering more copies of this one to share with friends.