Book reviews from shortstuffkid911

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shortstuffkid911's average rating is 3 of 5 Stars.
On Mar 26 2009, Shortstuffkid911 said:
shortstuffkid911 rated this book 3 of 5 Stars.
I bought this book around 6 months ago at Barnes and Noble and it is extremely informative unfortunately my copy is far from complete. The 'T' section is repeated twice and I am missing pages from Tortoise 967-998 to Walnut. It's been 6 months. So all I really have to say is check this one out pretty good before you buy it in the store and just ask questions to the seller if it's online. I'm going to try to take it back but I'm pretty sure that my receipt is gone and if I had it that the time is up to return. I'll still try anyway I paid $30 so I guess it's worth a shot. Thanks Kat