Book reviews from whocares101

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whocares101's average rating is 4 of 5 Stars.

The Hideout

by Eve Bunting

On Jul 29 2007, Whocares101 said:
whocares101 rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
ok here is a small summary: there is a boy named andy. he decides to run away from his new stepfather, paul paws, and his mother. he finds a key to the tower suite in the countess international hotel. with the help of his friend, leah, he survives there without being caught- but not for long. he needs money to visit his father in england, so he disides to make a ransom note for 500 dollers. but, one night a man named fred finds andys shoes and reconises him. he kidnappes andy and uses the ransom note for real! the police finds andy and andy finally reconises that paul paws was alot better father that his own.