Hannah Glasse (1708 – 1770)

Hannah Glasse was born on March 28th 1708 in St Andrews, Holborn, London to a widow, Hannah Reynolds, and Isaac Allgood, a landowner who was married to another woman.

Hannah was brought up in Allgood's weathly household, but when she was 16 years old her father and wife both passed away. She married John Glasse, a soldier, and had 10 children, only 5 of whom survived infancy. Needing to raise money for her family she set out writing the Art of Cookery, simple straightforward recipes, first published in 1747. The conversational tone of the cookbook along with the 'plain and easy' cheap recipes made it a bestseller in England. Although the book was successful and Glasse became wealthy, she soon lost it all and declared bankruptcy, serving time in debtor's prison. On her release from prison she published two more books, the Servants' Directory and The Compleat Confectioner. She died at the age of 62 in 1770. The Art of Cookery was first published in America in 1805.

Books by Hannah Glasse